

Taro is an excellent source of dietary fiber and good carbohydrates, which both improve the function of your digestive system and can contribute to healthy weight loss. Its high levels of vitamin C, vitamin B6, and vitamin E also help to maintain a healthy immune system and may eliminate free radicals.

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Health Benefits of Taro

Digestive Health: One of the most important functions of taro root in the diet is its role in digestion. The high level of dietary fiber found in taro root (a single serving contains 27% of the daily requirement of dietary fiber) makes it very important for supporting our gastrointestinal health. Fiber helps to add bulk to our bowel movements, thereby helping food move through the digestive tract and facilitating improved digestion.

This can help to prevent certain conditions such as excess gas, bloating, cramping, constipation, and even diarrhea. A healthy, regulated gastrointestinal system can greatly boost your overall health and reduce your chances of various types of cancer.

Diabetes: Dietary fiber can also help lower the chances of developing diabetes because it regulates the release of insulin and glucose in the body. If you have a sufficient level of fiber, which taro root provides, then you can manage your glycemic levels and lower you chances of developing diabetes. If you have diabetes, then fiber-rich foods like taro root can help prevent the spikes and plunges in blood sugar that can be so dangerous.

Skin Health: Between vitamin E and vitamin A, our skin is well protected when we add taro root to our diets. Both of these essential vitamins work to eliminate skin conditions and boost overall cellular health, meaning that our wounds and blemishes heal faster, wrinkles can be diminished, and a healthy glow can be returned to the skin. Taro root is nature’s little secret for healthier skin!

Immune System Health:  Perhaps the most important element of taro root for health is its role in the immune system. It has a very high level of vitamin C in each serving, which stimulates the immune system to create more white blood cells, which defend the body from foreign pathogens and agents. Furthermore, vitamin C acts as an antioxidant, which partially prevents the development of conditions such as heart disease and cancer.


Thanks to its earthy and nutty flavor profile, taro can be added to both savory and sweet dishes. Like taro cake, taro coconut ice cream, taro fries and more. 

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